Thursday, November 12, 2009

Waiting upon the Lord


"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (Isa 40:31)

As an eagle goes through the good months of feeding in full measure, he also begins to gain weight. This weight begins to hinder his ability to fly and find food. His speed diminishes and he grows tired quickly. God created in eagles a special inbred answer to this.

The eagle will fly high and find a cleft in the rocks of the mountains. He will look for one that has cover from the elements, and an area that water gathers from morning dew and rain. Once he has found this cleft, he sets himself in it and begins to pluck out all his wing flight feathers! One by one he removes them till he is no longer able to fly, even if he wanted to.

There he remains, waiting... waiting... waiting... until his weight begins to come off him for lack of food other than a few bugs who may find the cleft also. At the same time, slowly his feathers begin to grow back. When the entire ordeal is over, he is back to a slim weight, and ready to once again take flight.

Now with his lighter weight, he can fly higher and faster and he is able once again to swoop down on his meal with great speed - All because he waited for the transformation to take place. Also, because he placed himself in an area where he had no choice but to trust in the Creator that his feathers will grow back. What a wonderful God we serve! How great are His thoughts to have designed the eagle in such a way as He did.

It is the same with us, Beloved. He wants us to place ourselves in a position of no choice but to trust in Him to supply all we need to carry on. In this time of waiting upon the Lord, He renews us mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally. This time of waiting can be a challenge to us. We may want to fly away from it, but we can not. We are left with the only thing to do.

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

When this time is finished, we shall have new strength, hope, endurance and Faith to finish the race set before us!

Robyn Cavalera


  1. praise the Lord !
    as a teenager, i never really thought in depth about that verse and why, of all animals, the eagles is used. thank you so much for opening up my eyes to this.
    may God bless you and keep you .

    - julia.

  2. Thank you so much Julia; am glad that verse was helpful. God bless you for serving the Lord!
